G polymorphism and alcohol consumption on serum triglyceride levels-嶺南心血管病雜志" style="" href="../Article/LXGB2011S1057.htm">Interactions of the apolipoprotein
A single nucleotide polynmrphism to clopidogrel resistance after PCI in Chinese-嶺南心血管病雜志" style="" href="../Article/LXGB2011S1324.htm">Relation of cytochrome P450 2C19 g
Serum lipid levels and the prevale
T polymorphism and serum lipid levels in the Guangxi Bai Ku Yao and Han populations-嶺南心血管病雜志" style="" href="../Article/LXGB2011S1327.htm">Association of the LIPG 584C>T pol
Association of methylenetetrahydro
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