The Cutaneous Needle
操作方法 Manipulation
常規(guī)消毒后,手握針柄的后部,食指壓在針柄上,用手腕之力進行叩刺。針尖垂直叩打在皮膚上,并立即提起,反復進行。叩刺的強度根據(jù)病人體質(zhì)、年齡、病情及部位的不同,有輕、中、重之分。輕叩用力稍小,使局部皮膚潮紅即可,用于老弱婦兒、頭面五官、肌肉淺薄處;重叩用力較大,使皮膚微出血,有痛感為度,用于強壯、實證、肌肉豐厚處;中等叩刺用力介于輕重兩者之間,使皮膚潮紅,但無滲血,稍痛,用于多數(shù)患者,一般病癥及一般部位。叩刺部位分為循經(jīng)、穴位、局部三種。醫(yī)學 全在.線提供
After rutine disinfection, hold the handle of the needle with the index finger against the handle and tap vertically on the skin with a gentle movement of the wrist. The tapping may be light, moderate or heavy in accordance with the constitution, the age, the pathological state and the location of the patient. Light tapping is made by exerting a slight force until the skin becomes congested, it is applied for the kids, the women, the weak and the elderly, on the neck, face and five sense organs, also on the places with thin muscles; heavy tapping is conducted by exerting a relatively strong force until a slight bleeding appears with a little pain, suitable for the strong, the excess syndrome, or used on the places with thick muscles; the force exerted in the moderate tapping is between that of the light and heavy tappings. The moderate tapping is required to cause congestion and with slight pain, but no bleeding, suitable for the majority of the patients, ordinary diseases and general locations. The places to be tapped may be along the course of meridian, or on the points selected, or on the affected locations.