主癥 鼻衄,伴有發(fā)熱,咳嗽,舌紅,脈浮數(shù);或伴有口渴引飲,口臭、便秘,舌紅,苔黃,脈洪數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Epistaxis accompanied by fever, cough, red tongue, superficial and rapid pulse, or dryness, thirst with preference for cold drink, constipation, foul breath, red tongue with yellow coating, forceful and rapid pulse. |
主癥 鼻衄,顴紅,口干,五心煩熱,盜汗,午后潮熱,舌紅,脈細數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Epistaxis accompanied by flush cheek, dryness of the mouth, feverish of the palms and soles, night sweating, afternoon fever, red tongue proper, thready and rapid pulse. |
治法 取手陽明,督脈經(jīng)穴為主。肺胃熱盛者,用瀉法,以清熱止血,陰虛火旺者,針用平補平瀉,以滋陰降火。
Treatment The points of Large Intestine Meridian and Governor Vessel are selected a the main points. The reducing manipulation is applied to clear off heat and stop bleeding for extreme heat in the lung and stomach. The even manipulation is used to nourish Yin and descend the fire for deficiency of Yin with preponderance of fire.醫(yī)學全在線www.med126.com
處方 迎香,合谷,上星
Prescription Yingxiang (LI 20), Hegu (LI 4), Shangxing (GV 23).
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隨證配穴 肺熱:少商;
Additional Points Heat in the lung: Kongzui (LU 11), |