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  In TCM books, qi is always mentioned in the same breath with blood and body fluid, for they are all the fundamental substances constituting the human body and maintaining its life activities. However, among them qi is particularly important for the human body. That is why TCM often explains the life activities of the human body in the viewpoint of qi. For this reason, ZhangJingyue said: "Man's life relies entirely upon this qi." Classic onMedical Problems states:"qi is ihe root of the human body; once the root is damaged, the stem and leaves would turn withered". And, also, Basic Questions points out : "One's life is the combination of qi of heaven and earth".     在中醫(yī)書(shū)中,氣總是與血和津液相提并論,因?yàn)樗鼈兌际菢?gòu)成人體和維持生命活動(dòng)的基本物質(zhì)。然而,它們之中,氣對(duì)于人體尤為重要。這就是中醫(yī)為什么要用氣的觀點(diǎn)來(lái)解釋生命活動(dòng)。因此,張景岳說(shuō):“人之有生,全賴(lài)此氣”!峨y經(jīng)》則指出:“氣者,人之根本也;根絕則莖葉枯矣”!端貑(wèn)》還指出:“天地合氣,命之曰人”。
    Qi in the human body is composed of congenital qi and acquired qi. The former is inherited from one's parents before birth,the latter is derived from cereal essence transformed by the spleen and stomach and fresh air inhaled from the natural world by the lung. Therefore, qi is a combination of three kinds of factors. It is easy to see that the source or production of qi is related to innate endowment, acquired nutrition and environmental conditions, and the actions of the kidney, spleen, stomach, lung as well.     人體之氣由先天之氣和后天之氣組成。前者為出生之前秉承父母之氣,后者來(lái)自與脾胃生化的水谷精微及肺從自然界吸入的清氣。因此,氣是以上三種因素的結(jié)合。很顯然氣的根源與產(chǎn)生與先天稟賦、后天營(yíng)養(yǎng)和周?chē)沫h(huán)境有關(guān),也與腎、脾、胃、肺共同活動(dòng)有關(guān)。
    Congenital qi and acquired qi complement each other. Congenital qi is the material foundation for the production of acquired qi, and acquired qi continuously supplements congenital qi with nourishments. Both of them are, therefore, described as an interdependent relation-congenital qi promoting acquired qi,which, in turn, nourishing congenital qi. There are all kinds of qi and, their functions are too intricate to be expounded in a few words .To provide a precise exposition, let's discuss them under six heads.     先天之氣與后天之氣互相補(bǔ)充。先天之氣是后天之氣產(chǎn)生的物質(zhì)基礎(chǔ),后天之氣則補(bǔ)充和營(yíng)養(yǎng)先天之氣。因此,兩者之間是互相依賴(lài)的關(guān)系—先天之氣是后天之氣的基礎(chǔ),后天之氣營(yíng)養(yǎng)先天之氣。各種氣和它們之間的功能極其復(fù)雜,不是三言?xún)烧Z(yǔ)可以講清的。讓我們用以下的六個(gè)標(biāo)題來(lái)討論,以提供一個(gè)精確的解釋。
1 . Promoting Action of Qi 1.氣的推動(dòng)功能
    Qi, as a sort of refined substance full of vigour, plays a promoting and activating role in the growth and development of the human body, the physiological activities of the zang-fu organs and meridians, the production and circulation of blood, as well as the production, distribution and excretion of body fluid. If the above functions are weakened due to qi-deficiency, the following pathologic changes will occur: tardy growth and development of the human body, hypofunction of the zang-fu organs and meridians, stagnation of blood, fluid retention, etc.     氣,一種充滿(mǎn)活性的精微物質(zhì),對(duì)人體的生長(zhǎng)發(fā)育、臟腑經(jīng)絡(luò)的生理活動(dòng)、血液的產(chǎn)生和循環(huán)、津液的產(chǎn)生、散布和排泄都起到促進(jìn)和推動(dòng)作用。如果因?yàn)闅馓摱挂陨系墓δ軠p弱,就會(huì)發(fā)生以下的病理改變:人體生長(zhǎng)發(fā)育的停滯、臟腑經(jīng)絡(luò)功能減弱、血液凝滯和津液停滯等。
2. Warming Action of Qi 2.氣的溫煦功能
  Whether man's body temperature is normal or not depends on the warming action of qi. Classic on Medical Problerns says:" Qi is responsible for warming." Only through the warming action of qi can all zang-fu organs,meridiarns and other structures perform their normal functional activities, and can such liquid substances as blood and body fluid circulate normally. As the saying goes: " Blood flows in warmth, while it coagulates in cold."For example, the insufficiency of yang-qi may impair the warming action of qi, causing an aversion to cold, cold limbs. Lowered body temperature and so on. Conversely, qi excess may result in the failure of qi to disperse heat, marked by preference for cold, fever, etc. Basic Questions states, "Qi excess preduces heat, while qi deficiency produces cold."      人體體溫正常與否依賴(lài)于氣的溫煦作用!峨y經(jīng)》曰:氣者,溫也。只有通過(guò)氣的溫煦作用,臟腑經(jīng)絡(luò)和其它組織結(jié)構(gòu)才能行使其正常的功能活動(dòng),血液和體液等津液物質(zhì)才能正常循環(huán)。語(yǔ)云:“血得溫而運(yùn),得寒而凝!崩纾宏(yáng)氣不足會(huì)導(dǎo)致氣的溫煦作用減弱,引起惡寒、四肢冰冷、體溫降低等等。相反,如氣過(guò)剩則會(huì)導(dǎo)致氣無(wú)法散熱,引起喜冷、發(fā)熱等癥狀!端貑(wèn)》指出:“氣實(shí)者,熱也;氣虛者,寒也”。
3. Defending Action of Qi 3.氣的防御功能
    Qi has defending function to defend the body surface against the exogenous pathogens and to combat with the invaded exogenous pathogens to drive them out of the body. The book Basic Questions, therefore, states:" When vital qi exists in the body, the exogenous pathogens can not attack the body." And " If the pathogens invade and occupy the body, qi-deficiency is bound to ensue." Thereby leading to illness.     氣的防御功能為防衛(wèi)外邪襲表并將外邪驅(qū)除至體外。因此,《素問(wèn)》指出:“正氣存內(nèi),邪不可干”和“邪氣所湊,其氣必虛”疾病也隨之產(chǎn)生。
4. Controlling Action of Qi 4.氣的固攝功能
  Qi also has controlling action, by which is meant the ability to control the liquid substances and fix the internal organs in the body. This is shown in the following aspects:
(1) Keeping the blood flowing within the vessels to prevent it from extravasating without reason.
(2) Controlling and regulating the secretion and excretion of sweat, urine, sperm, saliva, gastrointestinal juices, etc , to maintain a relative balance of water metabolism.
(3) Firming the internal organs in their normal positions without prolapse.
     If this action is impaired, hemorrhage, premature ejaculation, spontaneous sweating, urinary incontinence, and spermatorrhea will occur. If this action fails to work normally,such prolapses as gastroptosis, nephroptosis, hysteroptosis will be brought about.     如果此功能受損,將會(huì)出現(xiàn)出血、早泄、自汗、遺尿遺精。如果該功能不能正常運(yùn)行,則會(huì)出現(xiàn)胃下垂、腎下垂、子宮下垂等下垂癥狀。
    The promoting and controlling actions of qi are the two aspects of mutual opposition and mutual complement. Provided these two actions work harmoniously, blood circulation and water metabolism can be normally carried on.     氣的促進(jìn)和固攝功能是相互對(duì)立、相互補(bǔ)充的兩方面。如果這兩種功能能協(xié)調(diào)運(yùn)行,則血液循環(huán)和水液代謝就會(huì)正常。
5 . Action of Qi Transformation  5.氣的氣化功能
    Qi transformation may be defined as various kinds of changes brought about by the movement of qi. Concretely speaking, it refers to the respective metabolism of essence, qi, blood and body fluid and their reciprocal transformation. For instance, food is transformed into qi, blood and body fluid; body fluid are converted into sweat and urine by metabolizing, and the residues of food,after digestion and absorption, are turned into feces to be discharged from the body. All these processes are all the specific manifeatations of the action of qi transformation. If qi transformation is out of order, it will affect the digestion, absorpiion of food, the metabolism and transformation of essence, blood and body fluid, the excretion of sweat, urine and feces and so on .To put it briefly, qi transformation is actually the process in which the substances in the body are metabolized and intertransformed. Although the above five actions of qi differ from one another, they are indispensable to maintaining human life. Their harmonious cooperation and mutual support ensure that the physiological activities are completed smoothly.     氣的氣化功能可以定義為各種不同的變化來(lái)自于氣的運(yùn)動(dòng)。具體的說(shuō),它指的是精、氣、血和體液的獨(dú)立代謝和它們彼此的相互轉(zhuǎn)化。例如,食物轉(zhuǎn)化成氣、血和體液;體液通過(guò)代謝轉(zhuǎn)化成汗和尿液,而食物殘?jiān)?jīng)過(guò)消化和吸收后則轉(zhuǎn)化成糞便排除體外。所有的這些過(guò)程都是氣化功能的特殊表現(xiàn)。如果氣化功能失常則會(huì)影響食物的消化和吸收,精、血、體液的代謝和轉(zhuǎn)化,汗液、尿液和糞便的排泄等等。簡(jiǎn)要的說(shuō),氣化實(shí)際上是體內(nèi)物質(zhì)代謝和轉(zhuǎn)化的過(guò)程。雖然以上五種氣的功能各不相同,但它們?cè)谏木S持上是不可分離的。它們之間的協(xié)調(diào)合作和相互支持是生理活動(dòng)順利完成的保障。
  The Movement of Qi is known as "qi ji", qi activity. Qi in the human body travels throughout the body and reach all the zang-fu organs and meridians to promote and activate the physiological activities of the human body.     氣的運(yùn)動(dòng)叫做“氣機(jī)”。氣運(yùn)行于全身到達(dá)所有的臟腑組織和經(jīng)絡(luò),促進(jìn)和推動(dòng)人體的生理活動(dòng)。
    Qi has four basic forms: ascending, descending, exiting and entering. These four forms are the basis of human's life activities.Once these movements stop, it means that the life activities ceaseand death ensues.     氣有四種運(yùn)動(dòng)形式:升、降、出、入。這四種形式是人類(lèi)生命活動(dòng)的基礎(chǔ)。一旦這些運(yùn)動(dòng)停止了,便意味這生命活動(dòng)的終止和死亡的發(fā)生。
  The ascending, descending, exiting and entering of qi are mainly embodied in the physiological activities of the zang-fu organs, meridians and other processes of metabolism. For example,the lung governs respiration, exhaling pertains to exiting, inhaling to entering; and dispersing pertains to ascending, lowering to descending. The spleen sends the clear upward and the stomach passes the turbid downward. So all kinds of physiological activities in the human body, essentially, are reflected in the four movements of qi.     氣的升、降、出、入具體表現(xiàn)在臟腑組織、經(jīng)絡(luò)和其它代謝過(guò)程的生理活動(dòng)中。例如,肺主呼吸,呼氣為出,吸氣為入;宣發(fā)為升,肅降為降。脾的升清和胃的降濁。人體的各種生理活動(dòng)都必將在氣的四種運(yùn)動(dòng)形式中體現(xiàn)。
   According to the sources, functions and distributions, qi is divided into four types: primordial ( yuan qi), genuine qi (zhenqi) , pectoral qi (zong qi) , nutritive qi( ying qi) and defensive qi(wei ai) .     根據(jù)根源、功能和分布,可以將氣分為四類(lèi):元?dú)、真氣、宗氣、營(yíng)氣和衛(wèi)氣。
l . Primordial qi, also known as genuine qi (zhen qi) is the most important of the four kinds of qi. It is the primary motive force of life activities. Primordial qi derives from the congenital essence stored in the kidney, and depends on the acquired essence regenerated by the spleen and stomach. The book Miraculous Pivot makes it clear by saying, "Genuine qi (Zhen qi) is inherited from heaven ( the parents) and combined with cereal essence to replenish the body." 1.元?dú),也叫做真氣是四種氣中最重要的一種。它是人體活動(dòng)的原動(dòng)力。元?dú)庠从谙忍熘,?chǔ)藏于腎中,依賴(lài)脾胃化生的后天之精滋養(yǎng)!鹅`樞》中明確說(shuō):“真氣者,所受于天,與谷氣并而充身者也.!
2. Pectoral qi is formed from a combination of the fresh air inhaled by the lung and the cereal essence conveyed by the spleen and stornach. Pectoral qi performs two main functions. One is traveling through the respiratory tract to prormote respiration and the sufficiency or insufficiency of pectoral qi influences the conditions the voice. speech or breath and so on. The other is running through the heart-meridians to promote the circulation of qi and blood. The vicissitude of Pectoral qi is related to the flow of qi and blood, the body temperature and the activities of the trunk and limbs, the visual and aural perceptibility, as well as the strength and rhythm of the heart beat. 2.宗氣由肺吸入的清氣和脾胃化生的谷氣混合而成。宗氣主要執(zhí)行兩種功能。一種是走息道以行呼吸,宗氣的充足與否會(huì)影響到聲音、言語(yǔ)和呼吸的狀態(tài)。另一種是貫心脈以行氣血,宗氣的充足與否與氣血的運(yùn)行、體溫、四肢活動(dòng)、視覺(jué)、聽(tīng)覺(jué)能力以及心臟搏動(dòng)的力量和節(jié)律有關(guān)。
3.Nutritive qi is the qi that circulates together with blood in the vessels. Nutritive qi originates from the pure part of cereal essence transformed by the spleen and stomach and bears responsibility for the blood production and the nutrition of the whole body. Nutritive qi is considered as yin, so it is also called nutritive yin ( ying-yin) . 3.營(yíng)氣是與血共同運(yùn)行脈中的氣。營(yíng)氣源于脾胃運(yùn)化的水谷精微的純凈部分,并承擔(dān)著血液的產(chǎn)生和濡養(yǎng)全身的職責(zé)。營(yíng)氣屬于陰,所以也稱(chēng)作營(yíng)陰。
4 . Defensive qi, like nutritive qi, comes from cereal essence,but, unlike nutritive qi, it runs outside the blood vessels. Defensive qi has the following functions: protecting the body surface against exogenous pathogens, controlling the opening and closing of the pores, adjusting the excretion of sweat, warming and nourishing the zang-fu organs. muscles and the skin with hairs, etc.,maintaining a relatively constant body temperature. It is given the name "defensive qi" precisely because of its antiexogenouspathogenic action. Defensive qi belongs to yang, so it has another name defensive yang ( wei-yang) ," which presents a strinking contrast with ying-yin as mentioned above. 4.衛(wèi)氣,如營(yíng)氣一般,來(lái)自水谷精微,但是卻行于脈外,這與營(yíng)氣不同。衛(wèi)氣有以下功能:保護(hù)體表免受外邪侵犯,司毛孔的開(kāi)合,調(diào)節(jié)汗液排泄,溫養(yǎng)臟腑組織、肌膚毛發(fā)等和維持體溫的恒定!靶l(wèi)氣”這一名字正是因?yàn)樗锌褂庑暗墓δ堋Pl(wèi)氣屬陽(yáng),所以別名叫“衛(wèi)陽(yáng)”,這正好與以上提及的營(yíng)陰形成鮮明的對(duì)比。



Types of Qi




Yuan Qi(Primordial Qi) starting from between the two kidneys, passing through tri-energizer and circulating through the while body, inward to zang- and fu-organs and outward to the muscles and skin.


Zong Qi(Pectoral Qi) stored in the chest and poured into the meridians of the heart and the lung.


Ying Qi(Nutritive Qi) originating from tri-energizer, entering the meridians by way of the lung, and circulating all over the body.


Wei Qi(Defensive Qi circulating outside but leaning against the meridians, vaporized to the diaphragm and scattered in the chest, travelling between the skin and flesh.


Special phrases 特殊短語(yǔ)
As the saying goes, As=in the way that,as the story goes/runs 或云;相傳
as the matter stands 照目前情形
as the case may be 依照情況
as things are 照此情況
as things run 照通常順序、情形、性質(zhì)等

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