其支者:從大迎前,下人迎,循喉嚨,入缺盆,下膈,屬胃,絡(luò)脾。 |
The branch emerging in front of Daying(ST5) runs downwards to Renying(ST9), it goes along the throat and enters the supraclavicular fossa. Descending, it passes through the diaphragm, enters the stomach, the pertaining organ, and meets the spleen.
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其直者:從缺盆下乳內(nèi)廉,下挾臍,入氣街中。 |
The branch emerging from the supraclavicular fossa runs downward passing through the nipple. It descends by the umbilicus and enters Qichong(ST30)on the lateral side of the lower abdomen.
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其支者:起于胃口,下循腹里,下至氣街中而合!韵瞒玛P(guān),抵伏兔 ,下膝髕中,下循脛外廉,下足跗,入中指內(nèi)間。 |
The branch from the lower orifice of the stomach descends inside the abdomen and joins the previous portion of the meridian at Qichong(ST30), running downward, traversing Biguan(ST31), and reaching Futu(ST32) and then the knee. It continues downward along the anterior border of the lateral aspect of the tibia, passes through the dorsum of the foot and enters the medial side of the middle toe.
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其支者,下三寸而別,下入中指外間。 |
The tibial branch emerges from 3 cun below the knee and enters the lateral side of the middle toe.
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The branch from the dorsum of the foot rises from the dorsum and terminates at the medial side of the tip of the great toe and comes out at the tip.