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暨南大學2007年對海外及港澳臺地區(qū)招收博士碩士學位研究生簡章 |
來源:醫(yī)學全在線 更新:2006-9-15 考研論壇 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
暨南大學地址:中國廣州市石牌 郵政編碼:510632 Introduction to Jinan University Jinan University has been considered the superlative university for overseas Chinese. In the early days, the university formulated its school motto: loyalty, credibility, sincerity and piety with the aim to cultivate talents with the outstanding traditional moral and culture of the Chinese nation and the essence of modern science. In the past 20 years of reform and opening, Jinan University has adhered to the guiding policy of catering to the higher educational needs of Chinese from overseas, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and carrying out on-going educational reforms. Since 1978, over 10,000 students of different levels from more than 90 countries in five continents, or from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have graduated from the university. The University comprises the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Science and Engineering, the College of Economics, the College of Management, the College of Life Science and Technology, the College of Medicine, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Foreign Language, the College of Journalism & Commnication, the College of Pharmacology, the College of Information Science & Technology, the College of Law, the College of International, the College of Tourism, the College of Education, and Zhuhai College as well. In the 20 colleges there are 44 departments and 61 undergraduate specialties. Jinan University is one of the first universities in the country that have the right to confer academic degrees. In 1989, with the approval of the State Education Ministry, Jinan University, as the only experimental unit that enrolled postgraduates from outside of the mainland, began to enroll postgraduate students from overseas, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. To further satisfy the educational needs of Chinese working overseas, or in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, in 1989, the university began to offer part-time postgraduate programmes to students outside the mainland. Also the university was among the universities with a Master of Business Administration (MBA& EMBA) programme then.Master of Public Administration,Master of Professional Accounting and Master of Engineering are also offered. Situated in Tianhe District of Guangzhou, Jinan University covers an area of 1.74 million square metres. It has many advanced facilities for both teaching and scientific research. The school library, boasts of a collection of 2700000 volumes. The College of Medicine has in Guanzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai , Qingyuan and Jiangmen six affiliated hospitals of Class A, Grade 3, the highest of national level in hospital classification. Jinan University is one of China’s 100 key universities in the 21st century. Following the principle of “scale, structure, quality and effectiveness”, the university is doing its best to further develop postgraduate education. Today, it has 5 post-doctoral research station. And Doctoral programmes in 39 disciplines and Master programmes in 133 disciplines have been instituted. At present, the postgraduate population totals more than 4,200; among them 886 are overseas Chinese, foreign citizens of Chinese origin or students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. From 1978 to 2005, 6567 postgraduates successfully finished their programmes; 606 of them were from the outside of the mainland. Admissions 1. Prerequisites for application People from Hong Kong, Macao and, Taiwan; overseas Chinese and foreign citizens of Chinese origin with good moral character and good health can apply if they meet the following conditions: A. An applicant for a doctoral degree programme should 1. have obtained a master degree from a university recognized by this university; or B. An applicant for a master degree programme should 1. have obtained a bachelor degree from a university recognized by this university; or C. An applicant for Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme should have, in general, had four years’ working experience apart from the conditions in B. D. An applicant for a part-time master degree programme in any of the specialities of the medical college should be a medical college graduate and have obtained a bachelor degree. 2. Application procedure Apart from the completed application form, the applicant should submit the following certificates: 1. A copy of certified transcript in a sealed envelope by the university the applicant graduated from or studied at; 3. Application registration Date: Doctoral candidates(twice):spring semester:11-30,September,2006; fall semester:1-31,December,2006 Address: Postgraduate Admissions, Jinan University, Shipai, Guangzhou 4. Examinations, interview (written exams when necessary) and enrolment Exam time: Master porogram: 7-8, April, 2007 Exam place: Master program: Hong Kong for applicants in HK; Macao for applicants in Macao Doctoral Program: Campus of Jinan University for all applicants Those who have passed the examinations please come to the university with the above certificates and dipioma to take an interview, which covers English,knowledge of your major,researching potentions and so on,The final enrolment notice will be posted to the applicants by 10, july. Education System and Tuition 1. 3 years for full-time students working for a doctoral degree; 2 to 3 years for students for a master degree. 2. In general, 4 years for part-time students for a doctoral or master degree. The period of study can be either shortened (not less than 3 years) or lengthened (not more than 5 years) according to the situation of the student. 3. Tuition fees:
(No extra charges for dissertation defence, charges for which are included in the tuition fee of the academic year,The lodging fees for full-time students are about 3500 yuan per year. The actual amount depends on your lodging standand.) Modes of Studies 1. The mode of studies for the full-time postgraduate (doctoral and master) is basically the same as that for mainland students, that is, a combination of tutor responsibility and collective tutoring, and a combination of coursework and degree dissertation. However, he/she can select relevant courses according to the realities in Hong Kong, Macao and overseas. 2. A part-time postgraduate (master) must complete all the required courses, normally with 28~30 credits including five to seven degree courses (according to different specialities), with average marks of 75 or more before he/she is qualified for dissertation writing and then dissertation defence. Generally, he/she must have 8 hours a week or four days a month or not less than 20 days a term for tutorials on campus. The times for tutorials should be decided between the tutor and the student in the first week of each term, approved by the department (institute, centre) and submitted to the Postgraduate School for file and examination. Requirements for MBA postgraduates (See MBA Admissions leaflet) 3. A part-time postgraduate (master) should take a foreign language course at school (arranged by the Postgraduate School) unless his/her English level has reached the required standard when entering the university. 4. A part-time postgraduate of a master programme without an undergraduate education should pass exams on 4-6 key undergraduate courses of the speciality during his/her study years. Failing to pass the exam(s), he/she must take the relevant courses and exams until he/she passes.. 5. At present, the credit system is not in practice for part-time doctoral programmes. The student must take 3 to 4 basic courses and specialized courses, and master a first foreign language and a second foreign language (for some specialities only). He/she should have tutorials by the tutor(s) at regular time on campus. The times for tutorials should be decided between the tutor and student, and submitted to the Postgraduate School for file. 6. For other issues, please refer to the “Study Plane for Doctoral and Master Programme Postgraduates From Overseas,Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan” of Jinan University. 暨南大學——海外學子的搖籃 暨南大學的前身是1906年創(chuàng)立于南京的暨南學堂,這是中國歷史上由國家創(chuàng)辦的第一所華僑學校!棒吣稀倍殖鲎浴渡袝び碡暋罚骸皷|漸于海,西被于流沙,朔南暨,聲教訖于四海!币馑际前阎腥A民族的道德文化遠播于五洲四海。1921年,暨南學校與東南大學在上海合辦中國首所商科大學上海商科大學。1923年暨南學校遷上海真如,同年獨立創(chuàng)辦暨南商科大學。1927年暨南學校升格為國立暨南大學。1949年9月,學校合并于復旦和交通等大學。1958年暨南大學在廣州重建。醫(yī)學全在線 zxtf.net.cn 暨南大學素稱華僑最高學府。早在建校初期,學校即制訂校訓:“忠信篤敬”,注重以中華民族優(yōu)秀的傳統(tǒng)道德文化和現代科學的精華培養(yǎng)和造就人才。在實行改革開放政策以來,暨南大學堅定不移地貫徹“面向海外、面向港澳”的辦學方針,深入開展教育改革。1978年以來共培養(yǎng)海外、港澳臺地區(qū)各層次畢業(yè)生一萬余人,他們來自世界五大洲90多個國家和港澳臺地區(qū)。學校設有文學院、理工學院、經濟學院、管理學院、生命科學技術學院、醫(yī)學院、臨床學院、華文學院、旅游學院、珠海學院、教育學院、法學院、新聞與傳播學院、外國語學院、信息科學技術學院、藥學院、國際學院、知識產權學院等20個學院,44個系,61個本科專業(yè)。暨南大學是全國首批有學位授予權的高校之一。1984年經國家教育部批準,暨南大學開始向海外和港澳臺地區(qū)招收研究生,是當時全國唯一對外招收研究生的試點單位。為適應海外華僑、華人和港澳臺地區(qū)在職青年求學深造的要求,1989年暨南大學開始對外招收兼讀制研究生。暨南大學為培養(yǎng)工商管理(MBA)碩士的試點單位,成為當時全國26所培養(yǎng)工商管理碩士的試點高校之一。目前被國務院學位辦批準為開展高級管理人員工商管理碩士(EMBA)、公共管理碩士(MPA)、會計碩士(MPAcc)和工程碩士等專業(yè)學位教育的大學。 暨南大學地處廣州天河區(qū),校園面積174萬平方米。學校擁有一批先進的教學科研設施,圖書館藏書270萬冊,醫(yī)學院在廣州、深圳、珠海、清遠、江門分設了6間附屬醫(yī)院。 暨南大學是中國面向21世紀重點建設的100所大學之一。學校遵循“規(guī)模、結構、質量、效益”的原則,積極發(fā)展研究生教育,F全校共有博士后科研流動站5個,39個學科專業(yè)有博士學位授予權,133個學科專業(yè)有碩士學位授予權,F在校研究生共6000余人。其中有華僑、華人和港澳臺研究生868人。從1978年至2005年已培養(yǎng)畢業(yè)研究生8000余人,其中華僑、華人、港澳臺畢業(yè)研究生606人。 招生辦法 學校分別在香港、澳門設報名點。實行以報名申請、初試(筆試)和面試為主的錄取辦法。有關規(guī)定及安排如下: (一)報考資格 港澳臺地區(qū)永久居民、海外華僑、外籍華人,品德良好,身體健康,且具備下述條件者均可報名申請。 。. 報考攻讀博士學位者,須具備: 1. 在本大學認可之大學取得碩士學位者;或 B. 報考攻讀碩士學位者,須具備: 1. 在本大學認可之大學畢業(yè),且獲得學士學位者;或 C. 報考攻讀工商管理碩士學位(MBA)者,除須具備B項文件外,一般還應有四年工作經驗。 D. 報考醫(yī)學院各專業(yè)兼讀制碩士研究生,需是醫(yī)學院本科畢業(yè),并獲得學士學位。 (二)報考手續(xù) 報名者除繳交已填妥之申請表外,并須提交下列各項證明文件: 1. 由畢業(yè)或肄業(yè)之大學密封的學業(yè)成績表一份; 另,近期正面半身免冠同一底片的一寸照片2張。 (三)報名事宜(不含港澳及海外面授點) 報名日期: (四)考試、面試(必要時含筆試)及錄取 考試時間: 考試地點: 學 制 與 學 費 (一)全日制攻讀博士學位研究生學習年限為3年;攻讀碩士學位研究生學習年限為2至3年。
(碩士或博士論文答辯費可在當年度學費中開支,不必另付;全日制學生的住宿費每年約為3500元港幣,按實際住宿標準支付;華僑、港澳臺籍學生按內地委培經費標準。) 培 養(yǎng) 方 式 (一)全日制攻讀博士或碩士學位研究生的培養(yǎng)方式基本上與國內生相同,即采用導師負責與集體培養(yǎng)相結合,以及課程學習與學位論文相結合。但可根據港澳臺及海外實際選修有關課程。
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